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선천적 남성기 기형 영어로


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  • Congenital disorders of male genital organs
  • 기형    기형 [畸形] deformation; (a) malformation;
  • 선천적 여성기 기형    Congenital disorders of female genital organs
  • 선천적 생식기 기형    Congenital anomalies of the genitalia
  • 선천적으로    essentially; intrinsically; inherently; innately
  • 선천적인    inborn; ingenite; congenital; natural; intrinsic; inherent
  • 선천적인 천치    natural
  • 선천적임    apriority
  • 천적    천적 [天敵] 『生』 a natural enemy.
  • 기형    기형 [畸形] deformation; (a) malformation; (a) deformity; (a) monstrosity; abnormality(형태상의). ~의 deformed / malformed / abnormal. 선천성 ~ congenital malformation.▷ 기형물 a monster; a monstrosity.▷ 기형아 [-兒]
  • 선천    선천(성) [先天天性性] apriority; innateness; inbornness; inherence. ~적인[성의] native / inborn / innate / congenital / [유전적인] inherited / hereditary. ~적인 재능 (a) natural[(an) inborn / (an) innate] talent. ~적인 불
  • 성기    성기 [性器] =생식기(生殖器).성기 [聖器] 『기독교』 a sacred[consecrated / holy] vessel.
  • 낙천적    낙천적 [樂天的] optimistic ; hopeful; cheerful; sanguine; rosy; rose-colored; happy-go-lucky. ~인 인생관을 갖다 have an optimistic[cheerful] view of life. 그는 천성이 ~이다 He is optimistic[happy-go-lucky] by nature.
  • 후천적    후천적 [後天的] a posteriori; acquired ; learned . ~으로 a posteriori. 성격은 ~으로 형성된다 You can form your own personal character in the course of your lifetime.
  • 남성    남성 [男性]1 [남자] the male (sex); manhood; (a) man; the sterner[stronger] sex; a man; [남자 성질] masculinity; manliness. ~의 male / of the male sex / man . ~적 [남성의 특징을 나타내는] masculine / manly / virile. ~적인
  • 기형도    Gi Hyeong-do
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